Our mission is to protect australia's caves & karst

Our heritage is under threat

Nullabor Karst Protection
White Nose Syndrome Research Project

Global energy giant, InterContinental Energy (ICE), announced a major development for the West Australian side of the Nullarbor. This development was not for the production of electricity to help supply the WA power grid, it is to produce hydrogen and ammonia, all for export. This precious land earmarked for the development is the biggest piece of arid karst on earth.

Cave dwelling bats in SE Australia are considered at risk of WNS should the fungus enter Australia. This project studies the over-wintering and hibernation biology of the critically endangered Eastern Bent-wing Bat in SE Australia.

The Conservation Commission draws on volunteer cavers, cave divers, and individuals who explore, research, document, conserve, and educate about the caves and karst of Australia. We advocate for its protection

The Conservation Commission provides support for a range of karst conservation projects. Below are details of those that we currently support

Ghost Bat Genetics Research

A project supporting the identification and naming of Cave Crickets around Australia.

Cave crickets live near the entrances of most caves in Southern Australia and Tasmania. They are viewed as an indicator of the health of the invertebrate biota found in caves. They have evolved to live in the darkness of caves They have no eyes, and no chirp. They use their long antennas and legs to find their food

Australian cave crickets, just what are they?
Post Bushfire Cave Research

Bushfires have always been part of the Australian landscape, shaping its biodiversity, the evolution of its plants and influencing cultural practices. The 2019-2020 bushfires impacted a large proportion of the caves and karst on the eastern part of Australia, destroying vegetation, wildlife, polluting waterways, with smoke and ash penetrating cave systems.

Research into the fire impacts on caves and biota that live within continues and with another scorching summer predicted, this research is imperative. Any donations will go directly towards this work, such as, the purchase of data loggers, recording air temperatures, air flows, water quality.

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Your help is instrumental in advocating for the management and protection of caves and karst on both public and private land